I’m New…Come on in and welcome to Manchester Vineyard! There’s a place for you and your coffee. The Vineyard’s motto has always been “come as you are” and that’s just the way we welcome you! Our Sunday Service is at 10:00 AM. Welcome and bring your coffee in!
What is worship like?We typically start our service by expressing our love and thanks to God through a variety of contemporary music styles.
How long does your service last?A typical service is about an hour and a half long.
Am I expected to put money in the offering?No. Tithes and offerings are for regular members.
Do you celebrate communion? Communion is a Christian celebration of the self-sacrifice of Jesus Christ. We do this in remembrance of Him, as He told us to do at the Last Supper every week. It's a central element of our worship service.
What is the teaching or sermon message like?We are all on a journey, learning together. You may hear a contemplative or instructional teaching, or you may be encouraged to participate in a discussion. Sometimes we invite everyone to practice what is being taught. Our priority is that our messages are relevant, accessible, and Christ-centered.
Do you offer a prayer or ministry time?Ministry time can take place during the service or afterward. We consider every believer able to pray for others and encourage participation.
Where do I take my children? We encourage families to worship together. Children go to class during the teaching. Classrooms & nursery are over in the Children’s Ministry wing. Follow the signs to the Children’s Ministry Information Center, where friendly people are there to help you.
What will my child experience?Teachers follow a Bible-based curriculum that incorporates prayer, music and hands-on activities. God’s love and truth will be expressed through Scripture and stories, as well as fun games and crafts. The Gospel is shared in the classroom and in the toddler nursery.
How will I know if my child needs me?At sign-in, each child is assigned a number. If you are needed, your child’s number will appear on the overhead screens.
What if my infant becomes noisy during the worship service?Follow the signs to The Mothers’ Room, a quiet space reserved for comforting and feeding infants