Vision and ValuesJohn Wimber said: “Values affect what we think and, consequently, what we do.”
Our values are an intrinsic part of us, yet we are seldom conscious of them or the influence they have on our behavior. Values are an expression of our heart, pearls of great price, the things most treasured in our lives. Our highest values will often be non-negotiable, but all of our values will drive how we fulfill our purpose and how we minister.
We Value:
Passionate Pursuit of GodBeing Spirit AttentivePractical Biblical Teaching and DiscipleshipPrayer and Prayer MinistryPeople and RelationshipServant-hood and GenerosityUnity and The ChurchMercy and JusticeSimplicity and AuthenticityCulturally Contextualized Ministry
The Mission of MVCC:
Helping people connect to God … connect to one another … connect to the world